About Us

We at 'La Casa Liguria' have more than 15 years of experience in the field of real estate consulting as well as sound background knowledge of the market in Liguria and legal requirements for buying and selling real estate. We work together with multilingual and English-speaking experts such as renowned lawyers and notaries in Italy, who safeguard the relevant legal aspects.

Beautiful Italian Landscape

Your advisors at safehaus

Susanne Grosssteiner

Susanne Grosssteiner


With more than 9 years of experience in the real estate sector and rich knowledge of the market, Susanne is especially responsible for our Italian and Austrian clients. She speaks fluent Italian, English, and of course German. Moreover, thanks to her origins in Vorarlberg, she also understands Schwyzerdütsch. Susanne lives with her family in Italy.


You can reach her by phone at the number: +39-351 73 15 440 or by email: info@lacasaliguria.com

Maria Virginia Hernandez

Maria Virginia Hernandez


With several years of experience in customer service and international relations, Maria is mainly responsible for the online research of Italian properties of interest to our clients. She also coordinates the cooperation with Italian partner companies for details and evaluation of selected properties and is in charge of organizing social media. Maria is a native English and Spanish speaker, speaks Italian and lives with her family in Rome.


You can reach Maria by phone at +39-331 385 0407 or by emailoffice@lacasaliguria.com

Claus Mittelsteiner

Claus Mittelsteiner


With more than 15 years of experience in the field of Ligurian real estate and immersive knowledge of the local circumstances, Claus mainly serves our international clientele. Claus speaks English, German, and Italian. He lives with his family in Hamburg and Budapest and travels frequently to Liguria for professional reasons.


You can reach him by phone at the number: +49-173 37 50 200 or by email: mail@lacasaliguria.com


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The first telephone consultation is entirely free of charge.

Just give us a call:  +49-173 37 50 200 
